Daisy Foss


How to Love after NPD Relationships  - Shedding Victim Consciousness

You may be traumatised by what is happening now in the world and not have any control over your actions, how do you go forward with your work, hobbies or family life? Does it feel like everyone is being judgemental and calling those they disagree with derogatory names? Have you had a slow realisation that someone near to you is showing traits that you don’t like, and this is pushing your “buttons of fear.”

Trauma can be interpreted very differently and it affects everyone in some way. Trusting enough to love another takes courage. Having the  intention to be over the pain and suffering of the ordeal will enable you to move on with your life.

If you have had an accident or been attacked, physically, emotionally or mentally your body's response is the same. You kick into Survival Mode, absolutely perfect when you are in danger, but not so good if you are stuck in this state  of being for any length of time. 

If this is all new to you, before you start this programme “How to Survive  Trauma and Love after  NPD Relationships,” try our  other New Now Programme “Find Your Well Self, From Coping to Creating, Struggling to Thriving.” Here Daisy  explains the process of F.E.A.R and the strategies your body and mind create to survive. It is not just about surviving though, what can you do to feel normal again? How can you love a new partner, your children or parents without the distress of the past. 

For your New Now learn how to read the signs and decode from old patterns and conditioning and allow yourself to love again.

“The 2 short workshops I attended on surviving trauma each started with useful advice on how to recognise and cope with abusive behaviour from others. This was followed by a profound angelic healing transmission. As always with Daisy's work, the main focus of each workshop was love. It was a splendid opportunity to declutter myself from emotional junk in preparation for the transformations that await us in the forthcoming Winter Solstice.

For me, this decluttering helped me to let go of old judgmental patterns and focus on self-love, self-care, self-healing. It was a blessing and a privilege to attend.”

Love Patricia




Survive and Love after  NPD Relationships.
1 hour

Daisy will show you  how to Decode from an abusive relationship and rebuild your confidence and  self esteem. Practical exercises honed from first hand experiences will help you to find forgiveness, compassion and a way forward. Relationships with those who have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and use coercive and manipulative control can be fun to start with, however behind closed doors, they can turn out to be very nasty. The first step on the road to recovery is understanding the problems and knowing how to protect yourself,  heal and love again.

Survive and Decode from Trauma
1 hour

Breathwork: Slow down, see clearly and breathe….Daisy will help you and teach you simple breathwork techniques to help you find that place of peace once again. If you feel out of breath, tight in your heart and lungs and anxiety gripping you uncontrollably, then you may be stuck in the freeze state of FEAR. The survival strategies of Freeze, Fawn, Flight and Fight are real reactions within your physical body. 

Stop Playing the Gaslighting Game
1 hour

There are many forms of abuse and it is not easy to recognise the tricks and games people play to get what they want from you. In my experience Narcissist’s  never use words to communicate  honestly,  they use a technique known as gaslighting. Find out how and become aware of how  your abuser hooks you in and abuses you, using words to confuse, obfuscate, misdirect, manipulate and agitate. Once you know the language  and are aware of the full-spectrum of the Narcissist's verbal abuse, you can shield yourself by not getting hooked into the game. 

Protect yourself from Projection
1 hour

Recognise how a Narcissist’s classic trait is to project any toxic shame they have about themselves onto another. The defence mechanism used most often to abuse is projection, they transfer responsibility for their negative behavior by attributing it to someone else. As a sensitive person it is important not to “project” your own empathy or sense of compassion onto an abusive person and not to  own any of the toxic projections  of others. Your actions may be used against you, so it's best to reframe and recognise how to protect yourself from other people's bad behavior.


We invite you to join Daisy for the upcoming course:
The New Now Spiritual Development Courses


The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is your blueprint of creation. The subject is fascinating when you delve into what it means to you and your life choices. We call this The Daisy Matrix. It is how the Petals of your Heart unfold and create your reality.

Explore and remember your Mystery School Wisdom experiences and explore and add to your Ancient Egyptian knowledge. We will explain and work with the Flower of Life and other symbols to help you to see your way forward and to rebirth and rebuild, transforming yourself to your greatest potential. Find out how this connects you with the Angels of Awakening and how they can give you a Multi Dimensional experience for your Mind, Body and Soul.

Mystery of Merlin and the Angels

The legend of Merlin and his Crystal Cave in Avalon, Tintagel and Rose Mount in Cornwall are woven into this land. By reconnecting to the magical energy of Merlin and the Angels who are working closely with him during these times, you can hone your psychic skills and discover what they can do for you. The Healing Art of this mighty magician is awesome and very beautiful, the Angels can show you how to discover your own healing gifts. The joy of knowing how to optimise and use your inherent gifts to empower yourself is second to none. Knowing that you are connected to your source and that you are safe and secure with protection from your Angels is your spiritual gift.

Ancient Egyptian Wisdom Workshops

Re awaken your Egyptian past life memories and gifts within your cellular memory, it is a life changing experience. You are a combination of all your forebears in your genetics and your cellular memory is the library of all this information along with your souls past remembrances. Do you have a deep memory of being the Wounded Healer? This programme is focused on discovering your Temple Lineage to release the blocks that have held you back and release these feelings forever. Heal any past life memories of your Egyptian Priestess or Priest Lineage through a Past Life Regression, for you to dispel and dissolve any fears that may arise, in a safe environment with an experienced practitioner. to heal and align your soul to the present moment.

Crystals for Healing

Discover which Crystals are best to use for Healing for your Angelic Crystal Healing Experience. Daisy uses all her healing skills and various techniques to bring this unique healing art to life with amazing results. What you can expect from working with specific crystals is clarity and clear vision. There are so many different stones, all with their own qualities and healing properties. Choosing the appropriate crystals for your issue is very important as you build up a relationship of trust with your stones. We complete the exercises with a short relaxing meditation to enhance your healing experience. If you wear a lot of crystal jewelry or collect crystal skulls and other gems, we will show you the best way to keep them clean and clear.


4 x 1-hour classes on all Saturday or 2 on Sat and 2 on Sunday

1 hour £30 per person 
Half day £60 per person
Full day £120 per person

*Sound Healings, Meditations and Readings are also available in this package as an add on*