Daisy Foss and the Angels of Awakening are the Angels of Aquarius who are heralding a brand New Age. The Golden Age of Aquarius.

  • The New Now Healing Process is the Healing Art. 

  • The New Now Healing Programme are the Classes, Workshops & Programmes.

  • Personal Healing with Daisy £110 per hour Book Appointments Now


Stop… Look and Listen

Your Healing Process

Be Happy with Your New Now

Make time for Joy…Root, Earth and Anchor everyday.

During lockdown, Daisy made the Angelic Etheric Hug meditations. These are 11 minutes  long at 11:11am daily. The Angels that came in  helped to anchor your emotions and ground you. They can still help anyone who is feeling unsafe or ungrounded. If you are not sure where to start or how to  explore your spiritual connection, these meditations are free to view on  YouTube and you can start to understand Daisy’s energy. 

Check out Daisy’s Instagram, it is also filled with positive affirmations and reels to make you smile. The public Daisy Foss Facebook page has lots of in depth information on the Ascension Process. Many amazing teachers from around the world come to guide you through the energies as the frequencies change dramatically this year. As for Tik Tok, it is just so much fun, Act your shoe size not your age!

One to One Healing ensures we take great care of you during your Healing Process.  Daisy will send you a consultation form to discover where you are on your healing journey. Then she will discuss the best way forward for you. 

You will receive an Individual in depth consultation that will assist you with your process. This will explore your issues and many of the stresses and challenges that you face today.

Whatever your health concern,  Daisy has extensive experience.  During her 27 years in the Healing arena she has helped many people heal from their  grief, depression, loss, life changes, burnout, exhaustion, abandonment, addiction and trauma. 

Daisy’s successes treating  Long Covid are refreshing. She has all the tools and training for you to receive expert help with the debilitating conditions that come from CV19 and other viruses, such as ME and Shingles.

Try our One to One  healing and counselling with Daisy.  These sessions are unique for  you and your individual requirements.  They are to help you to “Be Your Well Self’. 

Recent Lockdowns have been  very confusing times for everyone. At the beginning there was great FEAR, because none of us knew what was going to happen. False Evidence Appearing Real, was and is still the illusion.  This is  unprecedented in our time; no one has ever experienced anything like this before. Release yourself from this state of being with Healing.

We are in uncharted territory and life is unfolding moment by moment in a totally new way. All kinds of emotions arise every second; it is very interesting to acknowledge how we are behaving  differently in response to the shock of what is happening. Flexibility and non attachment is the key to survival.

Take time to care for yourself…If you are experiencing stagnation within your physical, mental and emotional state, perhaps your thoughts are negative, persistent and critical.  In this instance if you find yourself uninspired, deprived, disheartened and anxious, take the time to read a book, learn something new or be creative. 

The Angels of Awakening, Love , Life and Creation by Daisy Foss & Laraine Krantz is now available on Kindle and as an Audio Book. It's  a beautiful introduction to the 36 Spiritual Laws, infused with Angelic Wisdom to assist you with your Health and Wellbeing.  It is so important to make time for Self Awareness and Self Love. 

The New Now Creative Classes are Joyful experiences of learning new things, like music, meditation, writing and crafts all tailored for you. Healing sessions with Crystals and Sacred Sounds  will be the answer to your stresses and challenges.


“Be a human being not a human doing”


If you are interested contact Daisy to book any to book a Consultation, a New Now Programme or a Retreat

Daisy Foss is one of the best healers that I know,- and I know a lot!
She can make serious inroads in working with you to heal physical symptoms and illnesses that are really debilitating.
Recently she was able to reverse some serious fatigue that had developed after a course of antibiotics, literally in less than 5 minutes.
I was astonished at the speed she was able to see the energy problem that was stuck in my system and that she had the advanced vortex healing tools to address this.
As a vortex healer myself I recognise the value of this system, but Daisy takes it to a different level, with her psychic vision, her cooperation with her and your angelic guides, and the exceptional skills she can apply.
She is also fun and authentically herself!
I thoroughly recommend her to you as a healer!”