
How to Survive and Decode from Trauma
1 hour

Breathwork: Slow down, see clearly and breathe…Daisy will help and teach you simple breathwork techniques to help you find that place of peace once again.

If you feel out of breath, tight in your heart and lungs and anxiety gripping you uncontrollably, then you may be stuck in the freeze state of FEAR.

The survival strategies of Freeze, Fawn, Flight and Fight are real reactions within your physical body. 

Stop…Look and Listen
1 hour

Some of us were given the opportunity to stop what we were doing during Lockdown and given the chance to reflect and delve into our deep inner processes. Io look long and hard at what is important and admit what has ‘past its sell by date’. 

“I still feel forced to explore my feelings, to really evaluate how I feel. To find where the stress is, to transform and direct it into my creations. I am learning to listen to my heart, not the fear, not to the little sabotaging voice in my head, but listening to how I feel and what I truly trust.”

Step back and Let Go…
1 hour

It is so easy for someone to stay stop and step away from the problem, but if we are so invested in what we are doing, it's not an easy task. Take a moment and ask your heart, what do you desire, what do you really want your life to be like? It is a simple act once you have made the choice to Stop, Look and Listen, you naturally step back to survey the situation. How hard are you holding on to your old dreams and expectations? Is it just a habit, a comfortable easy non-confrontational holding pattern or conditioning from your childhood? What would happen if you let go?

Make time for Joy… Do things for yourself…
1 hour

These times have greatly highlighted the need for us to do things for one another and ourselves. Nurturing our mind sets and perspectives in life is a key aspect of our self development. Making time for fun, for joy, for playtime during these powerful transformations is essential. 

We are here in this world to grow and evolve but we are also here to fully embrace this existence with unconditional joy, to thoroughly embrace our realities and follow our higher purpose. To stay determined in our daily lives, not be discouraged or defeated. It is so important to make time for Self Love...Make time for Joy…Root, Earth and Anchor everyday.

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